BP43 - Inverter for air compressor

Company name: Diana Joint Stock Company - Bac Ninh
Address: Tan Chi Industrial Cluster, Tan Chi Commune, Tien Du District, Bac Ninh Province.
Project Summary: Installation of inverter for 37kW Hitachi screw air compressors. The project aims at reducing the power consumption of the air compressor.
Year of implementation: 2016

Status before implementation

Initially, there were only 3 air compressors in the pneumatic system of the company. In 2012, to serve the production expansion,  one additional 37kW air compressor was equipped.

Pneumatic system

Before investing in new compressors, the Company analyzed and compared two options: Using a new compressor with or without inverter


Through the analysis results, the Company decided to invest an additional VND 72 million in the purchase of the 37 kW Hitachi inverter and accessories.

Diagram of pneumatic system after installation

Inverter installed for air compressors

Status before implementation

Initially, there were only 3 air compressors in the pneumatic system of the company. In 2012, to serve the production expansion,  one additional 37kW air compressor was equipped.

Pneumatic system

Before investing in new compressors, the Company analyzed and compared two options: Using a new compressor with or without inverter


Through the analysis results, the Company decided to invest an additional VND 72 million in the purchase of the 37 kW Hitachi inverter and accessories.

Diagram of pneumatic system after installation

Inverter installed for air compressors

Result of the project: Reduce 33 tons of CO2 / year
Total investment costs: VND 72 million
Power saving: 38,000 kWh/ year
Cost savings: VND 52 million
Payback time: 1.4 years