BP40 - Improve compressed air system

Address: Tan Thuan Export Processing Zone, Ho Chi Minh City
Name of the Manager: Hsu I Yang
Project Summary: In response to the energy efficiency program of Adidas brand, a garment enterprise in HCMC has made significant improvements to the lighting system to enhance energy efficiency. The goal of the project is to reduce energy costs and greenhouse gas emissions.
Year of implementation: 2018

Status before implementation

A lot of compressed air was leaked from the valves and joints

Air compressor pressure was high, using manual discharge valve.

The temperature in the compressor room was very high


The improvements have been made to the compressed air system to reduce power consumption such as fixing compressed air leaks; reducing the pressure to 6-7 bar; installing automatic water drain kit; installing the hot air exhaust pipeline.

New pressure indicator and automatic water drain kit

Installed hot air exhaust from 2 machines outside

Status before implementation

A lot of compressed air was leaked from the valves and joints

Air compressor pressure was high, using manual discharge valve.

The temperature in the compressor room was very high


The improvements have been made to the compressed air system to reduce power consumption such as fixing compressed air leaks; reducing the pressure to 6-7 bar; installing automatic water drain kit; installing the hot air exhaust pipeline.

New pressure indicator and automatic water drain kit

Installed hot air exhaust from 2 machines outside

Result of the project:
Total investment costs: VND 8.6 Million
Power saving: 15,564 kWh/ year
Cost savings: VND 29.0 Million
Payback time: 0.3 year