BP26 - Servo for beam cutting machine

Address: Thuan An City, Binh Duong Province
Name of the Manager: Mr. Ngọc
Project Summary: A footwear manufacture company in Binh Duong has replaced the cutting machines' hydraulic motors with servo motors.
Year of implementation: 2018

Status before implementation

At workshop P, the factory used cutting machines with hydraulic motors. This motor still consumed a large amount of electricity during idle time (accounting for about 80% of total operating time).

Servo and hydraulic motor load profiles (for reference)

The average capacity of cutting machine with the hydraulic motor measured was about 1.48 kW.


The factory has replaced the sewing machines' hydraulic motors with 3 servo motors.

As a result, the electricity savings reached about 84%. The average capacity of cutting machine with the servo motor measured was about 0.24 kW.

Cutting machine with hydraulic motor

Measuring the capacity of cutting machine with new servo motor

Besides electricity saving, the servo motor greatly reduces the amount of hydraulic oil consumption. 

Status before implementation

At workshop P, the factory used cutting machines with hydraulic motors. This motor still consumed a large amount of electricity during idle time (accounting for about 80% of total operating time).

Servo and hydraulic motor load profiles (for reference)

The average capacity of cutting machine with the hydraulic motor measured was about 1.48 kW.


The factory has replaced the sewing machines' hydraulic motors with 3 servo motors.

As a result, the electricity savings reached about 84%. The average capacity of cutting machine with the servo motor measured was about 0.24 kW.

Cutting machine with hydraulic motor

Measuring the capacity of cutting machine with new servo motor

Besides electricity saving, the servo motor greatly reduces the amount of hydraulic oil consumption. 

Result of the project:
Total investment costs: VND 54.4 Million
Power saving: 9,256 kWh/ year.
Cost savings: VND 15.3 Million
Payback time: 3.6 years