
Website veecom.vn launched - New playground for Vietnam energy efficiency community

Event start at: 02/04/2021 (Thứ 6)

On the morning of April 2, 2021, the website of Vietnam Energy Efficiency Community (VEECOM) was officially launched.

Veecom.vn's interface is implemented in two languages: Vietnamese and English. Photo: Ho Nga

Veecom.vn is considered as the first platform in Vietnam to synthesize and update the latest knowledge and information on energy efficiency. This is also the result of the cooperation of 3 agencies: the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Project (4E) under German Agency for Development and Cooperation (GIZ); the Vietnam Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency Association (VECEA) and the Department of Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Development - Ministry of Industry and Trade.

VEECOM's goal is to provide reliable information on energy efficiency policies, technologies, equipment and services, thereby contributing to gradually improve understanding, awareness and practice on economical and efficient use of. energy in production and business activities, firstly for those directly related to this field.

The launch ceremony attracted the participation of experts in the energy sector. Photo: Ho Nga

Veecom.vn also aims to support the professional work, simplify the daily work of energy managers, energy auditors and related subjects through the calculation tools, forms, best practice solutions and information about service and technology providers in the field. Not only acting as an open information platform, veecom.vn also builds a Forum for users who register for membership with VEECOM.

In particular, through weekly and monthly competitions, the Forum creates a playground for the Vietnamese energy efficiency community to directly exchange expertise, actively share experiences and creative ideas, improve the knowledge. Up to now, VEECOM has gathered more than 100 leading experts in energy efficiency activities.

Mr. Trinh Quoc Vu - Deputy Director of the Department of Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Development wishes that veecom.vn will attract more and more businesses. Photo: Ho Nga

Speaking at the launching ceremony, Mr. Trinh Quoc Vu - Deputy Director of the Department of Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Development, Ministry of Industry and Trade noted that Vietnam's energy demand has been rapidly increasing to meet high economic growth. The Government of Vietnam also gives priority to solving energy problems in the socio-economic development strategy, with special emphasis on economical and efficient use of energy. The establishment of the VEECOM website at this time, therefore, is very practical and timely to meet the needs of exchanging knowledge, sharing experiences and improving the capacity of experts, staff in the field. Mr. Vu also wished that veecom.vn would attract more and more businesses, energy managers and energy auditors, experts and staff working in this field to participate in exchanging knowledge, capacity building, creating a cohesive and sustainable energy efficiency community with mutual support for more development in the future.

Mr. Do Huu Hao - President of VECEA believes that veecom.vn will be increasingly improved in quality and diversified in operation.

Photo: Ho Nga

On behalf of the agency for development, management and operation of veecom.vn, Mr. Do Huu Hao – Chairman of VECEA believes that with the enthusiasm of the Vietnamese energy efficiency community, together with close connection and interaction between professionals with the management agency, veecom.vn will be increasingly improved in quality, diversified in operation and contributing more to the economical and efficient use of energy, bringing more benefits to businesses and the country. In addition, veecom.vn will also be linked with existing websites in the field of energy efficiency, namely tietkiemnangluong.com.vn and vecea.vn to exploit the best information of these channels.

Mr. Markus Bissel - Head of Energy Efficiency Component of Project 4E hopes that the birth of VEECOM will bring a comprehensive and reliable information channel on energy efficiency in Vietnam. Photo: Ho Nga

Having great confidence in the project implementing partner - VECEA, Mr. Markus Bissel - Head of Energy Efficiency Component of Project 4E, representative of the sponsor said, in the context of the Covid-19 epidemic globally, even GIZ and Project 4E must have a different mindset about promoting electronic information so that businesses in Vietnam and in global scope can easily share EE information. After months with big efforts for website development, the establishment of VEECOM is hoped to provide a comprehensive and reliable information channel on energy efficiency in Vietnam, at the same time contribute to connecting staff, experts and personnel in the field. The project aims to develop 500 experts jointed to VEECOM by the end of 2021.

The website VEECOM “Vietnam Energy Efficiency Community” was officially launched on the morning of April 2, 2021. Photo: Ho Nga

According to the VECEA’s report presented by Mr. Nguyen Dinh Hiep - Vice Chairman of VECEA at the launching ceremony, Vietnam currently has more than 2,000 energy managers and energy auditors. However, these personnel mainly operate independently in their enterprise, access discrete information in the lack of connection and sharing. Meanwhile, current energy efficiency technologies are developing and innovating day by day, making it difficult for individuals to get information. VEECOM website will regularly update useful information for professional work, helping staffs of the field to access new knowledge and improve their profession. The operation of the VEECOM website in both Vietnamese and English also enables EE experts in the world to share information with Vietnam.

Guiding to join veecom.vn. Photo: Ho Nga

One of the first experts to join as a member of the VEECOM website, Assoc. Pham Hoang Luong - Director of the Vietnam-Japan Institute of International Science and Technology, Hanoi University of Technology said that the choice of the project to take VECEA as a partner to deploy and operate the website veecom.vn is absolutely correct. He believes that a significant increase in the VEECOM’s network of experts is within the reach of VECEA. Mr. Luong also wished that the website could expand to students in this field at universities to attract more resources in the future.

Awarded to the members participating in the trial website veecom.vn.

Photo: Ho Nga

Immediately after the detailed introduction on how to join veecom.vn, the delegates attending the launching ceremony tested directly via smart phones. Five guests present at the ceremony were presented with lucky gifts from the Organizer.

By: Ho Nga

Activities of the Forum are organized through the following diversified forms:

+ The Forum is organized according to each topic, combining interaction and testing, including theoretical and practical knowledge in accordance with the framework of MOIT’s training programs for energy managers and energy auditors with updating EE knowledge from experts in the field.

+ Online multiple choice (quiz) is held weekly, with simple topics, short content and modeled for evaluation by computer.

+ The competitions will periodically (every two months) be organized with more complicated topics in the form of essay. This activity will be held as an experiment and may become a full-fledged recurring activity in the case of good response and participation of large number of members.

+ The bank of multiple choice and essay questions / answers has been developed by VECEA to ensure the operation of the Forum. Currently, the bank of questions/ answers includes 504 multiple choice questions and 24 essay questions have been build and updated.

Reward system:

+ To encourage members to participate in the Forum, a score accumulation system will be implemented, each individual's score results will be assessed weekly, monthly and year-end;

+ Ten members with the highest results at the end of the year will be ranked into the round table including domestic experts (1 gold medal, 2 silver medals, 3 bronze medals, the rest 4 consolation prizes);

+ Depending on the number of scores earned, members will be honored and rewarded by GIZ.





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