Science & Technology

ST09. Status and solutions on Energy Efficicency in Vietnam's construction (buildings) field


 The energy saving potential of the construction is very large and has an important influence on the overall results of the energy efficiency (EE) program of the country. This article outlines major legal documents on EE field in the construction, the basic content of the construction sector plan to implement the National Program on Economical and Efficient Use of Energy for the period of 2019-2030 (issued under Decision No. 280/QD-TTg dated March 13, 2019 of the Prime Minister), the main tasks and major solutions of the construction are and will be implemented in the future.


In recent years, the growth rate of the construction has always been at an average rate of 10% per year. Along with significant economic growth, the demand for energy of the whole economy in general and the construction sector (including civil construction) in particular has also increased rapidly. The economy faces many challenges in terms of exhausting fossil energy supplies, increasing environmental pollution and emissions from energy production activities, increasing production costs of enterprises, increasing expenses of people's energy consumption.

            The demand for energy used in constrcution sector has increased rapidly, especially in urban areas. The growth rate of housing and public works in the period 1996-2000 averaged 12%/year, in the period 2000-2010 was about 15% and higher in the period 2010-2020. In Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City alone, there have been hundreds of projects of new urban areas, along with completed high-rise apartment buildings, most of which have been put into use. Many high-rise hotels, office buildings and commercial centers have a usable floor area of ​​over 10,000m2 and power consumption greater than 1-2 million KWh/year. In big cities as well as other graded 1 and 2 cities in the country, there have also appeared many high-rise apartment buildings, office buildings, 4-5 star hotels with large number of rooms, supermarket centers and shopping malls. These are large power consumers that need to be managed and taken measures to improve energy efficiency.

In general, the energy used in construction activities accounts for 30-40% of the total national energy. Therefore, the economical and efficient use of energy in the construction industry has great significance not only in terms of socio-economic but also on the environment. Nearly 10 energy-saving demonstration projects in new constructions in Hanoi, Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh City which have been implemented by the Department of Science, Technology and Environment of the Ministry of Construction (MOC) with the support of international organizations (UNDP, USAID, IFC etc.). The results show that if the National Technical Regulations on energy efficient construction works (QCVN 09:2017/BXD) are well implemented in design, construction and operation management, energy used in construction could be saved at 15 -30% (even up to 50% in FPT Da Nang building), while construction investment costs increase by about 1-3%, the maximum payback period is 05 years. By the end of 2018, Vietnam has 87 buildings that have received Green Building Certification from international organizations, which are models in the implementation and enhancement of energy saving in the building sector.

            The legal framework and policy regulations on economical and efficient use of energy are reflected in many legal documents that have been issued over the past 10 years. The Law on Economical and Efficient Use of Energy (Law No. 50/2010/QH12) passed by the National Assembly in 2010 along with guiding documents on the Law's implementation is the basic legal framework that sets forth the regulatory requirements to manage and promote economical and efficient use of energy in all fields, including the construction sector. The National strategy on green growth for the period 2011-2020 (vision to 2050), promulgated under Decision No. 1393/QD-TTg dated September 25, 2012, the Program for climate change response, The Implementation Plan for the Paris agreement of the Vietnamese Government etc. have also set out goals and solutions for economical and efficient use of energy. In the field of construction works, the Law on Amendment and Supplement of some articles of the Construction Law (Law No. 62/2020/QH14) and Decree No. 15/2021/ND-CP dated March 3, 2021 of the Government (regulating some contents on management of construction investment projects) also provide regulations on encouraging and promoting the development of buildings and urban areas that use energy efficiently, save resources and protect environment.

            Continuing the National Target Program on Economical and Efficient Use of Energy at Phase I (Decision No. 79/2006/QD-TTg dated April 14, 2006) and Phase II (Decision No. 1427 /2012/QD-TTg dated October 02, 2012), the Prime Minister approved the National Program on Economical and Efficient Use of Energy for the period of 2019-2030, setting a target in the period of 2019-2025 to achieve the level of energy savings from 5-7% of total energy consumption, in the period of 2025 - 2030, energy savings of 8-10% of the total national energy consumption.

            In particular, Resolution No. 55-NQ/TW dated February 11, 2020 of the Politburo on "Strategic orientations for Vietnam's national energy development to 2030, with a vision to 2045" (hereinafter referred to as 55-NQ/TW) also sets forth major policies and orientations of the Politburo in developing Vietnam's energy industry, including economical and efficient use of energy.

            On the basis of the above-mentioned legal documents and policies, together with the promulgation and implementation of the provisions of QCVN 09:2017/BXD – National Technical Regulation of construction works using energy effectively, the Minister of Construction also issued Decision No. 1677/QD-BXD dated December 30, 2020 approving the Plan for implementation of contents and tasks on economical and efficient use of energy in the period 2020-2030 under the state management function of the Ministry of Construction. This plan focuses on 03 main areas: civil construction works, production facilities in the construction sector and public lighting.

            The goals and contents in the Plan of the Ministry of Construction on economical and efficient use of energy and development of green buildings in the period from 2020 to 2030 closely follow the goals and contents of Decision No. 280/ QD-TTg and related documents as follows:

- Implement the regulations of QCVN 09:2017/BXD - National Technical Regulation on energy efficient construction works.

- Develop standards, economic-technical norms on energy saving in the field of production of building materials and in construction works.

- Promote technological innovation, renovate and enhance energy efficiency in production facilities of the construction sector, construction works and public lighting.

- Reduce the average energy consumption compared to the period 2015-2018 for the cement industry (minimum 7.5% in the period up to 2025; minimum 10.89% in the period up to 2030).

- Target to 2025: Achieve 80 energy-saving and green buildings.

- Target by 2030: Achieve 150 energy-saving and green buildings.

- Target to 2030: Energy labeling for 50% of building materials with heat-insulation requirements used in the works.

            On the basis of guidelines and policies of the National Assembly, Party, State  and Government, the Ministry of Construction has been coordinating with ministries, localities, agencies and organizations both domestic and international to carry out the following tasks:

            1. Develop regulations on encouraging energy-efficient, resource-saving and environmental works in legal documents such as the Law on Amendment and Supplement of a number of articles of the Construction Law, the Decree 15/2021/ND-CP detailing a number of contents on management of construction investment projects, Decree 09/2021/ND-CP on management of construction materials etc.

            2. Research, review, supplement, amend and compile regulations, standards, technical guidelines, economic and technical norms on economical and efficient use of energy, resource saving like QCVN 09:2017/BXD, QCVN 16:2019/BXD etc. With the support of the project "Improving economical and efficient use of energy in commercial buildings and high-rise apartment buildings in Vietnam" (EECB project – Ministry of Construction), the Ministry of Construction organized the development of 11 standards on energy saving, of which 05 standards have been announced, 06 standards are being considered by the General Directorate of Standards, Metrology and Quality – The Ministry of Science and Technology for  appraisal and announcement.

            3. Study, survey, evaluate energy consumption of some types of construction works by scale and region, develop draft energy usage norms of these types of works for submission to the Ministry of Construction for review and publication. Currently, 195 projects have been surveyed and energy use norms have been drafted for 6 types of works such as public offices, small commercial offices, large commercial offices, commercial centers, 2-3 star hotels, 4-5 star hotels.

            4. Support owners of new and renovated construction works in applying architectural solutions, selecting materials and electromechanical equipment in order to use energy economically, efficiently and meet the requirements of QCVN 09:2017/BXD. Within the framework of the USAID project in the period 2014-2017, 11 new and renovated projects have been supported. The IFC project in the period 2012-2017 has also supported 3 new projects and the EECB project has supported 22 companies for new and renovation works.

            5. Organize training, education and communication activities to improve capacity, awareness and skills for relevant stakeholders on economical and efficient use of energy and green building development.

            In the coming time, along with the activities being carried out in the past time, the Ministry of Construction will expand the following tasks as follows:

            (1) Review, supplement and amend QCVN 09:2017/BXD which expected to be promulgated in 2022 (with adding relevant content of the Regulation on Housing and Public Works). Continue to study and build standards, guidelines, economic and technical norms in the field of energy saving, efficiency and green building development.

            (2) Strictly control new investment projects in the production of building materials in accordance with the direction of using advanced and modern technologies and equipment, consuming less energy; it will not be allowing the application of outdated technologies in which energy and resources are consumed wastefully  and negative impacts on the environment are resulted. Invest in, renovate and renew technologies, production lines and equipment in existing projects in order to use energy economically and efficiently, improve product quality and competitiveness.

            (3) Build a database on energy use in construction works, including the current consumption data and the publication of energy consumption norms of some types of works so the owners could take referencing and improve the energy efficiency of the buildings/construction works. Research on developing energy consumption norms for other types of works in addition to the 6 types studied by the EECB project.

            (4) Research, formulate and promulgate energy consumption norms of some types of building materials production.

            (5) Promote the assessment and certification of green, energy-saving, environmentally friendly products and building materials.

            (6) Study to develop the Government's scheme on the development of energy efficient buildings and green buildings which expected to be submitted to the Government in 2022, including mechanisms, policies and roadmaps appropriate with different types of works to strive to meet and exceed the target of having 80 more works  by 2025 and 150 by 2030 certified as green buildings..

            (7) Research and develop criteria and regulations to evaluate and certify green urban areas to meet the requirements of economical and efficient use of energy.

            (8) Deploy contents promoting economical and efficient use of energy in public lighting.

            (9) Continue to organize training activities, increase the awareness capacity of relevant stakeholders on efficient use of energy. Periodically organize the Vietnam Green Building Week event to promote the development of energy efficient buildings and green buildings.

According to research by domestic and foreign experts, the potential for energy saving in the construction sector in Vietnam is huge with the investment and renovation costs for items related to energy saving much lower than that in developed countries. With the fact that after more than 10 years of implementation, the number of green buildings in Vietnam is around 200 new projects which is a very low rate compared to the number of new used built, renovated constructions every year. This is the actual basis and also the requirement to strongly promote the development of energy efficient buildings and urban projects, green buildings, production and use of energy-saving construction products and materials. It actively  contributes to realizing the goal of the country for energy saving, environmental protection and greenhouse gas emissions reduction./.

Nguyen Cong Thinh, MOC

& Vietnam Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency Association


1) tang-va-thuong-mai-tai-viet-nam-.html


2) Proposing the content of energy conservation in the revised Construction Law, UNDP project report, 1/2020.

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