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Article 1. Address and name of the website Vietnam Energy Efficiency Community:

1. Address: www.veecom.vn

2. Name: Vietnam Energy Efficiency Community website (hereinafter referred to as VEECOMwebsite)

Article 2. Scope of regulation and subjects of application

1. This Regulation prescribes the management, use and supply of information on the VEECOM, including: management and operation; supply, update and edit of information; consultation and performance ofForum on energy efficiency.

2. This Regulation applies to organizations and individuals participating in the management and operation, supply, use, update, edit of information; consultation and performance ofForum on energy efficiencyin VEECOM.

Article 3. Interpretation of terms

In this Regulation, the terms below are construed as follows:

1. Energy EfficiencyCommunity: are organizations and individuals that directly or indirectly participate in production, business, research, consultancy and services in the field of economical and efficient use of energy.

2. Energy Efficiency Forum: a forum for organizations and individuals to interact, exchange ideas and provide useful information for professional work, share specialized experiences on economical and efficient use of energy, create opportunities to improve professional skills and capabilities (hereinafter referred to as the Forum).

Article 4. Management of VEECOM

1. The VEECOM website operates under the patronageof the Department of Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Development -Ministry of Industry and Trade(hereinafter referred to as MOIT)) and Project 4E within the framework of the cooperation program between the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Deutsche Gesellschaft fürInternationaleZusammenarbeitGmbH, Germany (hereinafter referred to as GIZ).

2. Managing Agency of the VEECOM is the Vietnam Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency Association(hereinafter referred to as VECEA).VECEA is responsible for the contents posted on VEECOM.

3. The VEECOM is consistently connected to the active websites: http://tietkiemnangluong.com.vn,vneec.gov.vnand http://vecea.vn. TheManaging Agency is responsible for adding, changing access domain name according to legal regulations if required and permitted by Ministry of Industry and Trade.

4. The VEECOM’s Editorial Administration is established by VECEA and responsible for managing and ensuring regular operation on the basis of the content of the Contract signed with the 4E-GIZ Project.

Article 5. Roles and Functions of the VEECOM

1. To provide information on economical and efficient use of energy to serve the community and businesses, encourage general public to participate and interact with the VEECOM to increase understanding, awareness on energy policies, regulations, activities for energy efficiency.

2. To regularly update useful information in the field of economical and efficient use of energy to serve professional work for energy managers, energy auditors and related stakeholders (such as energy efficiency experts, scientists, lecturers and researchers at universities and research institutes, equipment suppliers, state-management officials in the field of energy efficiency etc.).

3. To assist energy managers, energy auditors and technicians of industrial plants in their daily work by providing some calculation tools, information on providers of energy servicesand available new technology, forms for simplifying everyday tasks, keep up-to-date information on best-practice solutions, thereby gradually improve their professional skills and capabilities.

4. The Forum subpage on the VEECOM facilitates the members to directly exchange professional opinions, share experiences, learn from each other and meets the needs of updating latest technology information, best practice solutions, active and creative ideas of members, connecting providers and demanders of energy efficiency services.

Article 6. Ensure the compliance with laws and technical standards

1. All activities of the VEECOM must comply with the Vienam regulations on management of internet information, other relevant legal provisions and provisions of Ministry of Industry and Trade.

2. The information provider is responsible for the accuracy of the content provided to the Administrators.

3. Documented information must use Vietnamese encoding, Unicode fonts according to TCVN 6909:2011 standard in storing and exchanging information and data on the Energy Efficiency website.



Article 7: The categories posted on the VEECOM

1. Basic category (Home)

2. General introduction of VEECOM website(About Us);

3. News and events related to economical and efficient use of energy (News and Events);

4. Energy Efficiency Community Forum (Forum);

5. Introduction to the best practice solutions (Best Practice);

6. Information of partner network (Partner Network);

7. Reference information (Resources);

8. Main operational tools in energy efficiency operation (Tools);

9. Member’s account (My account)

10. Contact Information (Contact Us).

Article 8: Procedure of processing and posting information, data on the VEECOM:

1. Processing and posting procedure:

All information and data are posted on the VEECOM by the Administratorsaccording to the operational steps as follows:

a) Step 1: Receive and evaluate information and data:

- Information and data are sent online to the Administrators of the VEECOM at the email address published according to Article 7, Clause 10.

- The Administrators is responsible for receiving and evaluating the content of received information, selecting categories which will post information and data in.

b) Step 2: Verifyinformation and data:

- The Administrators review and approve the content of received news, essays, comments to check the accuracy of information and data. If the content and format satisfy the requirements, the Administrators will approve for posting. If the news, essays do not meet the requirements, thenAdministrators will notify the author.

c) Step 3: Post information and data:

- After the information and data have been assessed and processed as above, the Administrator has the right to:

(i) Post information, data in the case that the information and data are clear, accurate, and consistent with Energy Efficiency website’s profesional requirements; or

(ii) Consult experts or leaders of VECEA in case that information, data are complicated, unclear and/or require in-depth evaluation of experts before posting.

2. Time requirement for posting information and data:

a) Time limit for approval of member registrationand show interactive comments:

- The reception of membership registration is done online immediately after the registrant fulfills correct, enough personal information in the registration form and then the message "Registered successfully - Welcome New Members"will be displayed automatically

- Interactive activities such as like, comment ... sent by members are also automatically displayed (thereafter, the Administrator is responsible for reviewing and deleting inappropriate contents (if any) according to the provisions of this Regulation).

b) For the majority of cases when the information, data and post are normal, simple and clear, after receiving, evaluating and selecting, the Administrators will post it on the VEECOMwebsite within next 01 working day;

c) For information and data with complicated and unclear contents, the Administrator shall notify the sender by email within the next 01 working day to request explanation, addition of information andat the same time send it for professional advice. Then, within 02 working days after receiving the author's feedback or explanation and advice of the related expert, the Administrators must decide whether to post or not to post. In case of no-posting, the Administrators must send an email to the author;

d) For English version of VEECOM: the Administratorsmonthly selectmain contents to convert Vietnamese language into English.


Article 9. Organize regular activities of the Energy Efficiency Forum

1. Forum is one of the most important contents of the VEECOM website with the core of interaction and opinion exchange among members.

2. The forum is organized through various forms, including:

(i) Interactive activities combined with online weekly online quiz (with simple topics, short content, multiple choice questions combined with interactive activities (in the form of posts uploaded on the Forum, interaction between members …) and modeled for computer evaluation;

(ii) The contests every two months (with more complicated topics, in the form of essay to promote the initiative and creativity of the members) will be held for trial period on first quarter of 2021. If there is an active response and participation of a large number of members, it will continue to be held every two months in 2021.

3. The Managing Agency is responsible for coordinating with relevant agencies, individuals to organize the Forum on a regular, continuous way to meet quality requirements.In the process of organizing and managing the Forum, if there are complaints or disputes about the contest results, the Managing Agency should consult with relevant experts before making final decision.

Article 10. Responsibilities and rights of the Members of VEECOM

1. Responsibilities:

- In accordance with civic responsibility, the Members are responsible for compliance with legal regulations in internet activities and comply with this Regulation

- The Members interact, share opinions, exchange information related to energy efficiency expertise, issues of technology, engineering, investment, finance, energy advisory ... only. Inappropriate and irrelevant contents will not be approved for posting on VEECOM.

2. Rights:

- The right to be protected for personal data in accordance with respective laws. The Member's list and contact details are only internally published within the Members and used for the proper purposes as specified in Article 5 of this Regulation.

- The right to share and updateinformation and knowledge about technological advances, professional experience, and capacity building contents according to training courses conducted by the Ministry of Industry and Trade and relevant state management agencies and related international organizations.

- The right to be given the opportunity to promote the image, brand of individual, organization on the VEECOMwebsite or at relevant activities on energy efficiency and conservation conducted by MOIT and related organizations, agencies.


Article 11: Editorial Administration of VEECOM

1. The Editorial Administration of the VEECOM is designated by a decision of the Chairman of Vietnam Energy Conservationand Energy Efficiency Association.

2. Membersof the Editorial Administration include 01 Head and 03Editors. The Members of the Editorial Administration is also the Administrators.

Article 12: Tasks of the Editorial Administration

1. Receive, process and post information and data according to the procedure specified in Article 8 of this Regulation;Review and remove information and comments irrelevant or contrary to provisions of this Regulation;

2. Share information, posts, news and events with active websites such as http://vecea.vn , http://tietkiemnangluong.com.vnand vneec.gov.vn;

3. Organize regular activities in the Forum;

4. Select information for converting from Vietnamese to English;

5. Periodically assess the activity of the VEECOMwebsite, including the current member list to report to the Chairman of Vietnam Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency Association and propose measures to improve the quality of the operation if necessary;

6. Organize a network of partners and collaborators from relevant organizations and individuals in the energy efficiency community.



Article 13: Terms of implementation and amendment

1. The Regulation on Management and Operation of the VEECOM website takes effect from the date that the Chairman of Vietnam Energy Conservation and Energy Efficiency Association signs the Decision for promulgation;

2. In the implementation, based on the actual situation, VECEA amends or supplements this Regulation according to each stage to ensure the VEECOM operates in the most effective manner./.


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