
Air compressor

Description Note Maintenance frequency Implementation
Use/adjustment of air compressors' operational order  Turn off/ adjust the operational order of unnecessary air compressors  Daily  Yes 
Overall visual inspection Complete the overall visual inspection to ensure that all equipment are in good working conditions and safety systems are in the right place Daily  Yes 
Quantification of leaks Detect and report any leaking points in the system Daily  Yes 
Operation of the air compressor Monitor the compressor during operation and temperature variation from standard curve. Daily  Yes 
Air dryer Monitor air dryers for proper operation  Daily  Yes 
Air compressor ventilation Make sure that the ventilation system is suitable for the air compressor and air inlet Daily  Yes 
Lubrication of the air compressor Note the level, color, and pressure. Compare with trend-driven values. Daily  Yes 
Drainage of condensate Drain the condensate from storage tank, low points and/or filters Daily  Yes 
Operating temperature Verify that the operating temperature meets the manufacturer's specifications Daily  Yes 
Pressure relief valve Confirm that all pressure relief valves are in good working condition Weekly  Yes 
Check belt tension Check that the belt tension and alignment are set correctly Weekly  Yes 
Air inlet filter gasket Clean or replace the filter gasket as needed Weekly  Yes 
Check pneumatic equipment  All equipment using compressed air should be tested for leaks regularly.
Leaks usually occur in:
- worn / cracked / frayed nozzles
- Clogged air valves   
- Packed cylinder 
Weekly  Yes 
Condensate drains Clean the deposits and check for operation Weekly  Yes 
Motor bearings Lubricate the motor bearings as recommended by the manufacturer Monthly   Yes 
System oil  Depending on the use and size of the air compressor, take oil samples periodically to monitor moisture, molecular levels and other contaminants. Replace oil if necessary. Monthly   Yes 
Couplings  Check that all couplings are in good working condition and proper alignment  Annually  Yes 
Gaskets of the motor shaft Check all gaskets for leaks or wear and tear  Annually  Yes 
Airflow filter Replace oil and particles removing components when the air pressure drop exceeds 2-3 psid Annually  Yes 
Check the stands Check and make sure all compressor stands are solid Annually  Yes 

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